SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


I can only stop quickhammer when I’m online doe

Vulgard’s slot was literally locktown since Gaja did nothing on N1 and would probably never be converted because of it.
And his interactions during D2 showed that he was obvious town instead of groupscum like we suspected him to be.

Everyone else was semi-suspicious on D2.

damn you are deep into that tunnel if you think there were no other obvious town alive on D2

Except for maybe TBE but I have another tinfoil about this.

Who did you SG N2?

doesn’t work, Jane visited me last night

also I’m fealtied

he SGed jane because i thought he was vessel

unless he baited me and SGed someone else


Tinfoil meh

I wanna hear it

Then once i do hear it I’m gonna wish i didnt but i wanna hear it

In that case my tinfoil about you being Arbiter and missing a second kill on TBE during N2 is moot.
Disregard me.

You were stonewalled n1 90% of the time

But yes, that doesn’t work for separate reasons(the flirt)


i think ans just slipped

Did Mode heal me that night?

Wait no he healed me n1 and n3 not n2(n2 healed kat)

How did ans slip

Show me my “slip”.

His N2 was Kat iirc.

one second i gotta find something

[quote=“ModeShifter, post:11173, topic:81863, full:true”]

at this point I’m starting to think I could reveal as IC and Mode would still be tunnelling me

Ill tunnel you if you claim IC too

Should’ve just rolled the Senex :^)

I meant to cross that out

So pretend there is a cross out

Gamer plan

wait i lied i have to ask a mechanical question :^)

this looks a lot like–



it looks a lot like that

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