SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

…It’s a copypasta, isn’t it.

You literally said you wanted to 2f1 n2

And nobody knew what i meant

Well ans didnt

it’s the wallpost Alice wrote on Chloe in FoL 27, but with the names swapped out

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I feel like an actual idiot.
For a moment I thought that Kat was fucking with us and he’s somehow an actual Apostle, but the moment I hit:

I realized that this can’t be serious.

wait why would your conclusion be ‘Apostle’ and not ‘Assassin’

because my WiM is slowly dwindling, honestly

i don’t think there’s much more i can say to actually solve or convince anyone that the NK between me and gorta is gorta

ive laid out all of my info and right now i think the MM is probably jane over anstreim while the nk is always gorta fmpov

if the n1 convert hit, then the n3 convert is always TBE or cheese

i still dont know who the fuck the n1 convert is if it hit

if it missed than n2 conv is prob TBE or anstreim?

Nah i was the one that wanted to 2f1 n2 but CRich wouldn’t let me

Because the typing style was Alice’s.
So I thought he was implying Alice was somehow a dead digsuised Assassin which also made zero sense.

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im leaning towards N1 convert missing and N2 hitting because nobody fits the N1 convert bill

It’s simple. I’m the Priest. I’ve been doing the Hunter fakeclaim shit in order so I don’t get attacked, which is why I made the fake Prince coverup to make me look like a Hunter. It should’ve been obvious that I am not a Hunter as Hunter!katze would never pull that shit and I’d rather silently bait wolves.

Since Nappy SF’d me n1 then once I bring a player back overnight as long as I haven’t been jailed then I’m mechanically 100% BD. This is why I’m confident that I’m never getting lynched this match.

Alice is a dead disguised Assassin and the N1 convert is CRich for WifoM :upside_down_face:

I dont think ans was converted because nappy kept hinting at an Ans SF

This has been my case since D3.
And I feel like at this point I don’t really want to keep playing the game, but our situation right now isn’t stellar either.

I told you that it was my first reaction and it didn’t make sense.

ans SF is nullified by arete though

if the MM is observant (if its jane, this is probably the case?) then they could have seen past that

and if im MM and see that the N1 SF is probably nullified by a ice ward i probably always go for that convert?

although if i missed n1 convert i probably always convert arete n2 because of the meme

Yeah i managed to not see arete’s softs, or just ignored them

But later nappy said arete was clear, and I said i thought i knew why, nappy asked why, I said i wouldn’t say

I did realize there were softs but I never actually went to find them, i just knew there were softs because nappy softed that arete softed

To be honest Arete was 2 steps away from fullclaiming on D2.
I still don’t know why but that happened.

Didn’t he explicitly say that they did.

Has everybody claimed?

I might’ve missed


Ill ask when i need em i guess, but 0 invests and 0 mentalists/apostles

…I dont think so? At least not d2