SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

cause like

in that game we didnt know we were in MyLo because the only time we were in MyLo was if specificallyi got mislynched (since i was a doctor, the only way to win with a mislynch was if i prevented a nightkill)

and that is what happened, because i didn’t think my lynch would lose us the game and it basically revealed the entire scumteam

and im starting to realize that if i think we just lose if i get lynched

and i don’t think i can stop it

i know what i must do

wallpost incoming

wait fuck i think i already did that joke

and i don’t actually have the wim to make a real one


3 unseen, 1 (cult aligned?) neutral, 1 nk, 5 cult

mislynch me, jailexe gorta, 1 unseen kill

3 unseen, 1 (cult aligned?) neutral, 3 cult

this is basically lylo? if intensify lives then i guess its technically mylo probably

if unseen have 2f1 then they have parity (3US/1N/2 Cult) assuming seth is good which we cant afford to assume otherwise

which means that unless napoleon is alive to GT, the lynch will be randomized between the prince (assuming he even lives) and some unseen member

but a problem arises

if anstreim is really bleeding

seth can only save anstreim or napoleon

but this means that unseen have majority in this situation if they have 2f1

the only way cult wins in a situation where i am lynched -> gorta is jail executed + unseen still have 2F1 and 3 members is… if cheese is unconverted and redirects the assassin into missing a kill

i think?

and if NK is somehow not gorta then the NK is basically guaranteed to win

but mechanically the NK can only be TBE in that case? but that means he… no actioned? yeah, im not gonna bother with that

gorta is nk

no rescindo

someone give me the will to dig myself out of this mechanical trench

does cheese have jane tagged

This is only if they have 3 members.
Which is why Jane is always the lynch/jail/whatever.
Because it’s not impossible that they have missed a conversion – which means that MM has to die during this day/night cycle.

Which is why we have to precisely hit the NK and MM.

NK TBE who proposes to Bounty someone and is the towniest person during the whole game? He would have to be a literal god to pull this off.
Which I’m skeptical about.

Yes he does, the tags on Jane are TBE/Cloned iirc.

i mean this is kind of what nappy did last game

but if TBE is NK then we just lose and its not worth getting paranoid about

getting paranoid about unlikely scenarios is part of why im here


so if hes unconverted he can HH if we lynch jane

we can mechanically guarantee that me and gorta don’t act tonight and lynch the most likely MM

intensify has… 2 jails and 2 exes left, right?

But TBE isn’t Napoleon.

If he is unconverted, which is another issue that we can’t afford to factor in.
But that’s the plan, yes. Intensify should have 2/2 because he said he didn’t do anything N1 and executed CRichard on N2, which would give him +1 jail charge.


We be gaming together

Or well if you dont think I’m converted

jane is gonna flip NK

Alright lads my wifi is really bad rn so I’m cutting off alot

My ego will swallow someone whole by EoD

and its gonna be me

Well now i want to be NK

Nappy has a guard left for himself

we can trade class cards

it won’t actually do anything but from your PoV it has a 50% chance of doing so

Why does this remind me of the whole Italy situation in Ritual Mafia.

Dunno i didnt read ritual. Mafia

yes but if nappy selfguards he isnt protecting the prince

Can i be the MK

you can be a Puppeter™️