SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

should i just true claim

It’d be pretty cool if you did

im the puppeter

You spelt it wrong


im doing that just for you

How could you

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My underwhelming case on TBE:

Why TBE is scoom, briefly summarized as their ISO is entirely too long:

  • Tried to start a counterwagon to every major wagon for towncred. They claimed that they were doing it because a counterwagon is always good to have for wagonomics, but never did anything with it.

  • Consistently whiteknighted LHF for no reason, showing their TMI. Now they are using this to push agenda because “nObOdY eLsE iS sCuMmY”.

  • Answered questions specifically and obviously posed at other people for no reason, repeatedly.

  • Has asked a bazillion questions, but has done very little with them.

  • Is on their high horse, lording their “towniness” over me (like a lot of wolves in LyLo).

  • Is obviously not town.

  • (A whole bunch of useless spam although that’s probably NAI for them.)

And, like most people “hIgH pRiEstESs Is An EaSY mASteRMiNd cLaim!”

That’s basically all I have time + WiM for.

I’ll add that the plan to Jailaxe me is atrocious as that’ll only lead to Vessel losing all uses of their abilities permanently.

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proceeds to vote me in the last 10 minutes before Italy gets lynched

But yes, i tried to start some CWs, but i never found a good person and never got anyone to follow me there

So i never got anything from something that never really happened

Is defending gorta scummy? Or is it Intensify your referring to? I had a gut read that I’ve been following the whole game with intensify - Ive just kinda been believing them the whole game

Yes, and i have proceeded to try and stop that now, and wait until the other person responded first

Remind me how this is scummy?

Ive given a few results from time to time, but I hope others can get more from them

I assume you mean that the first part is good(asking questions), but my not doing anything is bad. Well, here’s my result:

Most of the people I were able to consider town. Arete is the acception, the answers were alright. You are the other acception now.

My ego is large

Thanks Jane, very cool

Anyway, thanks for spewing me clear

People who have used this argument:

that post can definitely be W/W

in fact its semi lazy

same list of people who are being proposed as jail exes

weird how that works

Occam’s razor doesnt apply?

Jane tried a random CFD from Italy onto me


I consider self spewed clear

Then we’re just gonna have to hope nobody loses axes

Oh, really?


i dont think these 4 are massively AI

the first two are a bit more :eyes:

Wanna look at when intensify claimed alch

I defended em, said of course their alch

Granted, i was wrong, but I’ve had my gut calling them not-wolf the whole time

Their both wrong too :upside_down_face:

It’s a pain to find in your ISO, but these weren’t the only posts.

too lazy to fact check them at this moment

maybe later depending on when hammer is

When intensify openwolfed, I went with it

Ai wont defend em if they wont defend themself

When they claimed alch/vessel, i did defend them

Intensify and Appel.

ill prob have to reeval TBE overnight to see if i have to deb him into a guard or not