SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

No, they’re both gscum.

Could you at least point to the posts that stuck out to you? From Gorta, I mean.

ur groupscoom :angry:


I’m going to take a moment and see if we can attempt to kill everybody

As in, make it just prince/king left, maybe along side me or ans or cheese or someone trusted

We’re going to work where this left off:

With 2 unseen and 3 cult alive, we will assume mode died(if mode/king/prince are alive that would be pog but unlikely). In this situation,

  • Unseen(Assassin)
  • Unseen
  • Cult
  • Prince
  • King

Neither prince nor king should be voted. We will ignore the tagging system rn.

Here, there are two worlds that can occur.

Lynch Cult

It’s now

  • Unseen(Assassin)
  • Unseen
  • Prince
  • King

Prince always jailexes here

If he jailed the assassin, the next day is an easy 2v1.

If he jailed the non-assassin, still a win, since either GR or another jailexe would mean we win.

Lynch Unseen

It should now look like this, no matter which unseen is lynched:

  • Unseen(Assassin)
  • Cult
  • Prince
  • King

Prince should never jailexe here. Jail someone and check for deaths.

Assassin almost always goes for king. If so, lynch who wasn’t jailed.

If assassin goes for prince, they can just vote whoever wasn’t jailed.

If there are no deaths, vote whoever was jailed.

If the jailed person is town, make sure you have a jail queued for the last person.

oh yes nightplans

how can these go wrong /s

Add to that

  • Unseen 2f1 tonight

Then my theoretical is true

there’s a glaring problem in this nightplan


Progression ok kat being NK or not is just wtf.

And a whole lot of fearmongering.

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This honestly looks NAI. This reaction could genuinely come from any alignment – frustrated town or scum faking their disappointment, imo.

The only bit that raises an eyebrow here is:

we aren’t all town

Also, where did the whole Sorcerer discussion even come from, there are no ‘traditional’ FoL NKs in this setup.
I think the rest of it is just same as the first post. And if by fearmongering you mean the posts such as:

I guess they could be seen as such? But the way I read them it was just pure frustration backed up by his earlier messages.
So do you think he would have to be the N1 convert or? Because remember that CRichard shaded him initially – I guess there’s some WIFOM, but for MM to convert Gorta of all people seems… hardly plausible.

Unless this was premeditated from the very beginning but I doubt it.

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This is where it came from.

…That was an obvious joke.
How could anyone take it seriously.


you took my FoL27 copypasta seriously

I am

so tired

and I feel like I should be actually thinking about the game and posting and things but my level of tiredness is making it really hard to focus

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why did I think staying up until 6:30 AM writing a wallpost was a good idea

does anyone have anything they urgently want my opinion on

i revealed as an innocent child please unvote me

i tried to stop you

i mean i responded to your wall

i dont really know if i want a response but id like to know if you read it

it is slightly possible that you had ulterior motives there

Only for the first ~15 seconds.