SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

if Ans DW’d that means Unseen is out in which case we … lynch kat and win?? I guess??


thats not how dirty work works in this setup

I mean dirty worked

I think kat is always the lynch, since F4

but not sure if we lose either way or not


you guys get to pick if unseen or NK win

if ans was MM there will be 0 more MMs

seth is unseen aligned, there’s at most 2 cult alive

I kinda think we’re looking at a Gorta MM/TBE convert/kat NK world and you guys are just pretending for no reason


I have to play as if I can still win

you are likely the convert

I don’t think we can win if there is 3 unseen

so im going to pretend there is two

so no more MM?

the only world where there’s 1 unseen left is if anstreim missed two converts

…if you’re town you should know that’s not possible

or if ans was actually a convert and MM is still alive and im completely wrong?

because there are three non-King/neut people alive total

I am not converted nor the MM



can you stop pretending and like … make a case for why I should side with you over kat

If I was the MM then I would have lynched Katze yesterday