SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

allies chat literally doesnt matter


why does everybody think I have any sort of scumgame

the only person who can be converted is fucking you or arete because gorta stopped my nightkill

and aretes actions almost never come from unseen

so its you or nobody

so fucking hammer me if youā€™re cult

your right

but like

it doesnā€™t feel right to hammer


playing 3p popcorn mafia with nappy and gorta would be fun


your right

ive already guaranteed cult their win by talking too much anyway

sorry @unseen

nappy coulda also saved arete

but I am kinda looking for excuses, because I know its em

this is going down in history as the worst NK play on the site :^)

was there even Allies chat

I know that I wasnā€™t in it and probably he wouldnā€™t put either outed wolf in it?

unironically Intensify saved this game

i mean yeah

intensify doing what he did won cult the game in the worst way possible

you lived until D6

thatā€™s like

pretty good?


me and gorta

I know gorta is scum

I could try to convince nappy of this with my magical pog powers

oh I see

you mean setting it up for tonight

not summarizing what happened last night

or just lolnightskip

i mechanically had a guaranteed win today if i had a use of SoD

my first use i threw away as a meme

my second use i lost due to mod miscommunication tbh

there was an allies last night?

this isnt their fault i wasnt that clear that i wanted to cancel it

but gorta was at L-1 and i could have won right ther

no Iā€™m saying there wasnā€™t

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