SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

unseen miss n1/n2 converts, NK gets a single kill in 5 nights, MM>Assa is lynched D2

town still lose :sunglasses:

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scum played really well

most wolves were deepwolves

also we kept mislynching

that :b:epic feeling when town has killed more townies than the wolves by n4


Very nice joke TBE.

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no one ever listens to me

can I put the perspective joke in the best/worst fourm quotes thread

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I was saying that ans was likely the MM faking the bleed

okay so first real thought

Jesus Christ we need to post less

the whole ā€˜I want to go back and Iso everyone but everyone has so many postsā€™ thing I was doing on D4 was real and the part where it took me more than 6 hours to read through katā€™s posts and write my analysis of her was also real even though I could save time because I knew what conclusion I wanted to come to


I was the one to say that there were wolves deep in the towncore, but no one ever listens to me


my over 2000 posts got me towncored, and that is worth the game

we are also too trusting

Also Iā€™m shocked Katze didnā€™t win this game.

Hard agree. When we surpassed 3 people at 1k posts on D3 it was a thing ā€“ ISOing anyone was a nightmare.
The only reason I used quotes on D4 was because I remembered some of the ā€˜keywordsā€™, I wouldnā€™t bother with it otherwise.

i had a slight feeling that there was agenda in the wallpost because some of the points made little sense but i also didnā€™t really care because i wanted to die

me telling you to go to fucking sleep instead of writing it was real though

like, i didnā€™t really care if i got slam dunked

donā€™t ruin your sleep schedule to play FM

I knew that no one was going to actually read it closely, they were just going to skim it and think ā€˜hm, some of those points are reasonable, perhaps I should listen to Areteā€™

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i wasted my first use of sword of damocles (outting my existence) and then my second use wasā€¦ a bit of a miscommunication between me and the mods

if i had it on D6 i would have been able to quickhammer gorta because he was at L-1 at one point but i also wasted a use of it for a meme to openwolf so like, i donā€™t think i deserved an NK win anyway

but you stayed up until like 6AM writing it

arete why

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Arete really did save the scum team though

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actually SDA, but yeah