SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

The only game few games that I won here was because
( a ) Alice was a town leader
( b ) Dybu was somehow right and sulit voted in the right spot

one thing that I think would help you is if you figured out how to better explain your reads

since you rely a lot on gut, it means that (even when your reads are accurate) itā€™s hard for people to know when theyā€™re accurate, since your reasons are unclear, and itā€™s hard to know whether or not youā€™re town (because itā€™s harder to evaluate your thought process)

There was a reason we stabbed Alice on N1.
I think she was one of the people who would be capable of weeding me out right away, so she had to go.
Not to mention that sheā€™s a strong player in general.

Dont forget your first game
Where you got carried by eevee

I am an autist sometimes and while I am gifted with a decent intuition I donā€™t really have a way with words

tbh I didnā€™t do much that game and was sick with the flu (it also caused me to forget about the site for a while)

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I would have done the same, as these people find it hard to work without Alice (no offense to anyone). I would have also tried to convert Alice if she lived, but then it would have been easier to mislynch her

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Donā€™t get the wrong idea about my rants, this has just been building up for a while. I have been noticing things about the people on this site and I think we need to address them. Donā€™t get the idea that I am saying that I am better than everyone else because thatā€™s not the case, but we need to do better. I am just slightly pissed because no one gives the new guy any credibility and then we lose when my reads are mostly accurate at the end of the game

Oh welp, GGs, Unseen won. I uhhh need to rethink my actions this game, looking back, Iā€™m not even sure wtf I was doing

Seriously, I went on a rant about how I could be double for the vessel which was stupid in every way

some of your plays werenā€™t even necessarily bad they were just badly-executed

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like the Apostle FPS could have worked if your Apostle claim had been less obviously fake


I forget if I put this here or just in scumchat


Yes you have posted this before

@Napoleon I would say you should not be so trusting of people
@CRichard564 I would say you should try being yourself as a wolf (itā€™s much easier that way)
and everyone else should not overly rely on Alice

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Also I was super conflicted this game. For some reason, I trusted Arete and Ans a lot for being good players or something and never thought they could be scum. I also really thought Gorta and Italy were good, but since they were the people put in the PoE, I placed my thoughts beside and went along wit majority


Anstreims wolf had good timing in that I thought they were legit because of that bleed

Which was bc they were assa

Ans was Mastermind at that point

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senex wasnā€™t hob this time?