SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

ill win as 3p for ya

were gonna try to move past that

do you have any reads on appel/arete

Friendly reminder to not talk about ongoing games besides the one youā€™re in


Do you find it strange that she only has one SL on D1, especially when most of the people who posted have actually been acting towny?
Also, I wouldnā€™t mind to see your own reads.

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whats your motivation behind what youā€™re doing

not expanding

literally any phrasing could be bad


which cardinal direction would you say best describes your motivation behind what youā€™re doing


if thatā€™s one of them

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do you think my question (and additionally, your answer) had any meaning to them

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we both know the answer


I saw an opportunity donā€™t @ me

me at TBE rn




is that hand from a different cat

youll probably figure out which one I am after reviewing my ISO tonight

unless your in allies, in which I may or may not claim


Thank you Derps, very cool.



no if im in allies Ill claim which

but youll just have to take my word

which cant be that hard

i mean im pretty confident i know what youā€™re claiming

but i donā€™t believe youā€™re actually a neutral


weā€™ll see

Trust me if I wanted to hint at you being Vessel , I would have done it another away.

Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying regarding this matter.

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Never said I did ā€“ I still think that post of yours wasnā€™t serious.

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