SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

its now 4 hours

have you caught up?


I really wish I were EK aww

ill assume this isnt a RT

im a bit paranoid as to myself being a kind of consensus townread, yet again

do you have any reads?

I want to push on Arete

having deja vu

this post is going to be ignored until appel comes


I kinda do too, Tbh.

From my spreadsheet, only 3 people TL/TR you: Myself, Appel, Jane – unless I missed something again.


is that a no to it being a RT, or me being a consensus TR

im not used to being townread in any capacity earlygame so my perspective may be a bit biased

but nobody is really scumreading me?

would you like to change that

its not an RT

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thoughts on SDA?

Btw I’m leaving for work soon and most likely won’t be around for EoD

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Are you planning to post them any soon?


any EoD messages?

Add me to allies

Haven’t read them yet.
How have they played so far compared to before the Re-rand?

I’ll probabaly have a break before EoD but no promises

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