SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Anyways I have to go to work if I don’t get a break before EoD I’ll be sad

I’ll also be sad if I’m not in allies

i wasnt lying about putting u in allies

@kingwhoirefusetospeakto remove him from allies

I have actual info to give tho

Also night chats do be popping

I’ll only yell at you if your FPS is bad :^)

do you think derps is town


I am now caught up

some people said they had questions for me

not going to lie I still kinda think he’s neut (because of the neut claim)

I don’t think he’s groupscum

can you write a wallpost that convinces me you’re town

you actually being town is optional

I’ll write a wallpost if I feel like I have thoughts best addressed by wallposting

i have a question

what thoughts are best addressed by wallposting

he’s probably scum but he asked very kindly so I’m giving it to him

longer, more developed reads/comments on things/etc.

readlists if I want to do a readlist for some reason

sometimes I do SoD wallposts so I can get all my thoughts out at once

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has anyone noticed anything weird about my posts for the past few hours


other than the king because if i respond to him directly he will state that i have been FPSed

but weird is your normal

shoot i almost FPSed you there


but I was mostly backreading so shrug

Why do you think Derps is neut?