SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Oh. Lmao.

did you not see how i softed puppeter

soft mentalist -> jane is ‘The Mentalist’ -> jane was puppeter last game

were you scared of soft-confirming maulers by having 2 bleeds in a day?

More or less.
On D1, bleeding someone else would out the presence of a real Mauler (or Frostweaver), which would work against us.
On D2, we dayocced you because we were hoping that you are the Vessel and we’d get to convert + 2-f-1, then waste another day on CRichard.
On D3, I was alone in the court and couldn’t bleed anyone if I wanted to – thankfully my ‘plan’ from Allies provided me with an excuse.
On D4, I had to confirm myself with my “wolf”.
On D5, there was no time as I was trying to get you out of the game.

No, clearly they were planning on all claiming Mauler together and Mauler has only 1 bleed.

when you think katze is the JK they are probably not the JK

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i have many satisfied customers


kat, I wanna make a class based on so can you tell me some typical katthings?




being perceived as a better player than i am

cats and lolcatting


more memes

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FTFY :wink:

its only obvious because i do it so often

the D3 FPS on Arete wasn’t that obvious?

Perfectly unbalanced, as all katze classes should be.

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Random readlists

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wait fuck i didnt do that this game

or in the first roll, iirc?

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Clearly random readlists are scum!AI.

They are? I thought villagers do it too.



Can we just rename Mind Flayer to N’Zoth

No as we might be sued

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but i like the idea