SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

he doesn’t know

Is this what we call a scumslip?

Smh, I’m asking Italy because I want to hear it from Italy again.

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we dont call things scumslips

Guys what are the chances that Italy isn’t from Italy

scumslips aren’t real

redchecks are

/vote Appelsiini

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thanks for the spew, btw

I don’t know. I think people agree CRich should be lynched today.

I’ll try to follow this.

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Now I will finally go and re-check Kat’s readlist like I said I would 20 minutes ago.

SDA might be NK

i don’t think ive posted one today

texas is clearly the most memorable part of italy what are you talking about

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I was under impression I missed it. Did you mean Appel shot down your D1 readlist, then?

I have a good idea.

/vote katze

i would currently be attempting to force derp’s head into the guillotine if he didn’t claim bleeding day 1

Say, are there people who look like they’re strippers running around the place killing each other while trying to kill a delusional pink-haired man with keeps yelling something about a Boss? Also is there a turtle who has a odd little key hole in its shell?

no, ive been kind of keeping track of my reads on a notepad

overnight i reevaluated appel and thought they were kinda towny

but i was skeptical

rome is just texas but they speak italian