SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

i literally alluded to having a redcheck at the start of the day

And the point of that empty read was?



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I’m like semi-serious about Appelsiini being NK but she could be town.

didtn you later say having a result was an RT


that was an RT

because im not allowed to have nice things

Oh wait
You mean you redchecked me?

idk a thought just floated into my mind telling me that “katze was NK because hes over-aggressive on appelsiini” and i decided to go through with it

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that is what im saying, yes

I will kill whoever thought RTs were a good idea

the evidence lines up

kat softed redcheck
kat have redcheck

/vote Appelsiini

She could be town, which is why I’m telling her to make herself obvious town now, while she is under suspicion.

What a surprise.

I don’t think they’re referring to the redcheck?

Well, I’m not scum. That’s all I can say to that, I believe.

no, you idiot

me saying that my “i have an interesting result” was a RT was a RT

to prepare to out my actual redcheck

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I just realized, I don’t even have a day 2 read list

convince us

p sure that was kat