SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Napoleon and being King

Name a more iconic duo


what even happened last game

Also I feel like answers to this are going to be largely the same.
Except for the second question, I’d ask certain people to try and be more obvious as town.

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italy usurping the throne :eyes:

He posted night action in main thread

  1. SFoL 61.5
  2. Stop timetraveling
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Anyway guys the vote mechanics are still the same as last game.

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my most recent game was sfol 63

Hardclaim merc

I’ll be back in a few minutes

CRich did you finally get a scum game

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Im a skeptic alch

/vote CRich


CRich i have a redcheck

Thank Napoleon for why we’re playing a new game.

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I don’t believe you

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Really not my problem