SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Hey Vulgard, do you know about the voting mecahnic?

Also I’ll play along:

/vote katze

You kinda just voted katze just like “whoosh”! so I don’t think you know about the voting mechanic :eyes:?

Yes, and I don’t care about who I tag. I already tagged myself for the memes, and if it doesn’t work, I tagged Jane who I don’t want to lynch.

I think we’re making too big of a deal out of it. I’m town, I don’t think I’m PoE anymore, and so I’m not obligated to be careful with my vote because of the tag mechanic.

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uhh also katze also has a d2 I think you should read though

oh boy
give me time and i’ll try to analyze this

Bold statement: I think I can figure out katze’s alignment based on the read on CRich alone.
watch me be completely wrong

towngod vulgod towngod vulgod towngod vulgod

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i wish


you change your mind quickly

I forgot about katze’s day 2

I kinda liked it better

But continue reading katze k ty

katze was converted to the cult


Consider this some motivation to be towngod vulgod.

/accuse Vulgard

/vote Vulgard
i am looser and caught scum

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If you dont find scum today, I Grand Ritual you tomorrow.

Good luck.

I won’t say you are wrong, but what makes you say that?

it was a meme