SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

why not


i dont think arete is NK anymore

What wasn’t planned was your early D3 Ritualist claim

We were hoping you wouldn’t do that

I always like to be a step ahead

So n’ont public yet

there are two types of people

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That was funny ngl

okay but like

you allegedy had a greencheck on Gaja

you also advocated yesterday that we lynch Gaja today

I am confused about why you would do the second given the first

also im gonna just go ahead and say that if arete is town ive done 2.5 useful RTs in 1 game

Give them a moment to post

But I’m not waiting forever

but you allegedly had mechanical information pointing strongly to them being town unless they were exactly Mastermind

Also i never had a green on gaja?

I think you are getting confused with Anstreim.

Alice+ans n1

didn’t you say you had them matching with Ans?

But that was a fake claim too anyways

anyway our claims may or may not even be our real classes

i wouldn’t speculate too much


owre erg



mixed up your starter with my starter from last game

/dayvig Arete

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Alice was may starter

Which was actually p convient