SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


How the fuck am I playing any different Iv yet to make a game related post other than claiming

Can I have king again

Merc king was fun

you probably shouldn’t because of one of frostweaver’s passives

Meta reads bad.
Seriously, I don’t think it makes sense for him to openclaim neut on D1. Especially someone like Mercenary since he needs his targets alive.

Bold of you to assume that’s every stopped me

Insurgency and I learned that I should push my reads more also don’t discard my reads right away

I don’t ever have a plan and you can see that in my playstyle. I always wing it and do whatever the hell I want.

Especially as someone*

You’ve played ToL, Ans, have you not :upside_down_face:

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Actually you are right Italy.

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This isn’t ToL :newspaper_roll:

die in only one night

My last merc game I claimed D1 and FPSed my way to king

tan is convert immune

I can’t argue against that.

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/vote CRich

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arete isn’t green
for real this time

Italy locktown fr tho

didn’t you say this the last two times you were scum

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You are telling me that town actually elected a neut claim?
That’s… suboptimal no matter how you look at it. Unless they had good reasons to do it but still.

I think scum actually upped me but