Anyways let’s kill Intensify for D3
no quickhammer ofc
we still have 19 hours
you have to trust me here, but I have a plan and it is pretty decent
I think we just win after Intensify dies… there are very few NK candidates imo
would a NK be able to kill through a thing that prevents visits?
there is no neutral killer that can bypass prevention, but delayed kills still do their jobs once you’re marked for death
I think Mind Flayer might be able to
not sure
similar wording, would assume so
whoever we’re lynching, we need to wait for Jane so that they can confirm-button
I think we are lynching Intensify
intensify can’t be allowed to see the end of this day
I was thinking way too hard about this.
I need to stop clearing wolves on TWTBAW…
No way Intensify pulls up a big stunt like this as Vessel.
I think it’s highly possible Intensify flips MM and in that situation who do you think the NK is?
There aren’t many people it can be tbh
If Intensify is the MM then we win because if we jail the NK it’s over
I’m allying gorta and Seth. We will discuss depending on Intensify’s flip.
I want to claim, but I also don’t right now
I think you should come out and I have a reason for that.