SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

What if she already found the reactions she was looking for? Hence why she decided to make the point precisely now.

Interesting. I see.

If Alice is purposefully being weird than I have no fucking idea why

I can’t imagine Alice being that obvious. Therefore, in my humble opinion, this tinfoil sucks.

how do you all have developed reads at this point

oh wait

is Alice doing this so people have conversation

if so 500iq move

That’s… a good point. I didn’t think about that. We’ll have to wait and see.

That’s why I don’t put much faith in it.


Then why suggest it in the first place, then?
If you don’t believe in your own suggestion, what was the point of making one?

Ignore word salad.
I should go to bed soon.

Franky thinking Appel/Derps are probably V from their reactions to my behavior.

Derps showed a significant deal of paranoia which I don’t think he’d have shown as a wolf while Appel showed a fair amount of interest in what I was doing which looks like she has a genuine want to solve.

Sigh Alice is Probabaly town

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I said what I said because I wanted to speak my mind

Actually Alice you bring up something I want to talk about

Which is?

Reads like this

I don’t think relying on these types of reads are good as so often I see them and people are often wrong about them so I think we should shy away from reads that are like X wouldn’t do this as wolf kinda thing

Read below that post lol

I still think cheese not bothering with his image is kind of villagery.

I cant think of any early icebreakers on the top of my head

so Alice you wanna say the why you acted differently

I’m not saying we shouldn’t use them at all but I think we rely too much on them if that makes sense

Townreading gorta for this because that’s so dumb lmao.