SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

italian laughter

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You will forever be a null in my heart :^)

the quarantine has gone too far

my hair is starting to grow down

His meta is evolving.

So your saying there’s over a 50% chance we have all scum in the active players?

that’s not what I said

Arete why is Anstreim blantant town to you?

It is, but that’s precisely why we shouldn’t 100% rely on it.
In-thread reads are still a thing. Use them.


it’s not that Ans is a shining beacon of towniness it’s that he’s been townie at all

the initial thing I liked was the way he used his questioning of TBE to develop a read there

Italy is probably memeing with that archdeacon claim.
I don’t take it seriously.

@katze Skimmed through and I saw you rescinded your claim. What was the purpose? (I don’t think you gave one, at least not detailed?)

gee, you think?

i have mechanical info that you are scum
defend yourself

Why would you ever take it seriously?

mechanical info that mode is scum



I have mechanical info that your full of shit
defend yourself

It’s obvious. It isn’t serious at all.

ModeShifter, are you Seth?

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