SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

just woke up not even an hour ago

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yes i know itā€™s 7:30 pm have at you

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do you even use am/pm

So, what is your answer to my question?

hold on sifting through my 5 pings you all were so nice to give me

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do you have any reads yet?

Ok hereā€™s my read on things. Keep in mind I only just started taking notes, so if some things seem wierd or odd, just remember Iā€™m dealing with a little bit of info
CRichard564 - Asking everyone for reads, which idk how I feel about that. That probably means theyā€™re town, but info is needed.

katze - Sleepy boi, idk, canā€™t tell

TheBlueElixir - Seems Town, i guess. Idk why, but BTE just seems town

Anstreim - Likes to take charge it appears by how he interacted day 1. However, he seems less interactive day 2. That could also just be me reaching conclusions too quick but he looks a bit converted in my eyes.

Alice - Also has info I think? So maybe good.

Arete - Arete is Arete and I have no idea

Intensify - I am good boi

Italy - Not sure

Napoleon - Very I guess you could say agressive day 1, which means he is giving people more chances to read him, which makes me think he might be town. Also has info

an_gorta_pratai - Not killer maybe. Apperently some nks have occ immune. A nuetral for me

ModeShifter (King or something) - Idk, he doesnt seem to talk a lot which might could mean evilish. He also didnā€™t scepter night 1 and based on how everyone responds to that, Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s a bad thing.

Appelsiini - Also not sure

Jane - Dead Rip (Invoker was it)

SirDerpsAlot - He looks townish, but I need more data to reach my conclusions

Gaja1234 - An oddball. You cannot read this person. I can pretty much never read them. You can never tell when theyā€™re trying to act clueless or is clueless

Clonedcheese - Not sure either

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angrily loads shotgun


Branded Townā€™s Elder :sunglasses:

i have 14307 unread pings on discord
i canā€™t handle being pinged
it triggers my ptsd

half of Intensifyā€™s reads are nulls or hedges and itā€™s making me scared I was wrong about them yesterday

Iā€™m curious why me being myself affects your read

Do you have specific reason to think I would be harder to read?

I think heā€™s not a killer

its kinda baseless and heā€™s probably the most confirmed to not be killer outta everyone

cult drunk(puppeteer)

its a bad thing. GK(cult in this case) has an abil to make a select player permanently convert immune

so using it n1 could prevent n1 conv

eh fair

its effort

im willing to award it a gold star rn and if he just starting taking notes and went off memory for some, I think its good

I donā€™t interact with you people a lot, so itā€™s harder for me to make me reads on you

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This is Intensifyā€™s first game, so Iā€™m not going to read too much into his ā€œhedgyā€ reads as Arete puts it.

scoom know the alignment of everyone, look for someone who seems to know that, and call them out on TMI

scoom sometimes assume the alignment of someone before they die, call them out on it

scoom tend to vote town when others do, just following what others think as a cover, call then out when you see it

scoom tend to want certain players dead. They sometimes have an obvious agenda behind the post. try to think of the ā€˜why post thisā€™ to questionable posts

101 I think

people might add more but this is a way to do it with people you donā€™t know

Hereā€™s the problem i have with this

Intensifyā€™s quote there makes it seem as if ā€œarete being areteā€ is an excuse for the nullread


Intensifyā€™s new?
My presumption is that you can only use that to someone that you have played more than once with before
So ā€œi cant read this slotā€ wouldve been fine, but adding the ā€œbecause theyā€™re themā€ makes it sound disengenuous and fake

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I was mostly curious because you were handling my slot differently from some of the others (you didnā€™t say ā€˜[x] is [x]ā€™ for anyone else) which implied that you had some reason to think I would be especially difficult to read

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