SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

FWIW Blood Inspection is useless so if we want me to be the first voter on a lynch we’re not certain of (and that I’m fine with) that’s not completely ridiculous from a mechanical PoV

I’m fairly certain Katze is likely V here.

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I think Italy town based on how they’ve been posting

okay but why

what about their posting is good

because literally none of it is game-relevant

Italy never posts game relevant stuff

I honestly read him on the quality of his shitposts

they had an alchemiter or whatever FPS

which people find V

All I will say is:

There’s a good today’s lynch will be either katze or gorta.

There’s a good chance*

I’d rather Appel shows herself before committing to any lynch for today.

It seems to work pretty well overall

Iv been wrong before but it’s usually been reading him scum as town

yes he does

it’s not always Maximally Useful And Helpful, but like, in Danganronpa he talked a lot about the vig thing and pushed Emilia, in Evo he reactiontested me by pretending to vig me, in FoL 27 he was mstly talking about mechanics but at least it was useful mechanics

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everytime we try and find a D2 lynch we always end up in a massclaim…

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Nappy are you me :^)

Idk I just read him off the shitposts and mostly ignore everything else lmao

No because you like claiming more than I do :rage:

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Not sure if you lads care

but I am willing to tag gorta

maybe katze too if the/a case is convincing

Well, at least we cleared Gaja/Anstrem/likely Arete from this.

Plus, this was technically one of the only ways to clear a lowposting newbie like Gaja.


Yet I can’t be tagged again thanks to my vote on Gaja. I’ll thank Alice for that.

you can be tagged

you just cant tag others today

Ah that’s right.