SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

you know what

i 100% believe that

ā€¦i probably would have too, lmao

Like, if I get green-checked them Iā€™m 100% going to be the NK or converted here.

Itā€™s better to use it on me if I survive to mid-game, especially consider I have a high chance of dying even if Iā€™m not checked.

Fair enough, also I have been softing and I know some will pick up on it. Please donā€™t reveal my soft if you pick up on it.

theres something very concerning that i have on my mind rn but i think iā€™ll leave it for d3 (or in my logs if i get nightkilled, lol)

My suspicion isnā€™t unwarranted though.

When I think about it itā€™s probably not wise to out any check, unless itā€™s a redcheck.

Did I kill the thread?

im just scheming my next FPS, donā€™t mind me

leaning towards thinking Alice wouldnā€™t openly talk about not wanting to be checked as scum

itā€™s the sort of thing that people read as suspicious and makes invests want to check you more, and the problem of being redchecked if you accept the check is solvable by just stabbing the invest

didnt she do exactly that in a recent game

no in RM4 IIRC she was like ā€˜yes I am totally fine with being checkedā€™

in Anime she was like ā€˜no donā€™t check me Iā€™m towncoreā€™

im too lazy to factcheck this rn

but i think its a low level reason to TR alice

off-topic memeing

okay so Iā€™ve been talking with one of my neighborhood members

thereā€™s a game I played on another site where the uninformed majority were the Witches and the informed minority were the Magical Girls and everyone spent like the first hour thinking they were lost wolves because Witches were the ā€œbad guysā€ in the show

and ā€“ my class card says Iā€™m Cult, so the normal assumption a normal person would make is that Iā€™m scum, and I have a faction color that looks an awful lot like a faction color a scum would have

but my abilities make no goddamn sense for someone whoā€™s actually scum, and I talked with one of my neighbors and they also claimed to be basically the same thing

and maybe I got galaxy-brained by my neighbor here, and Iā€™m actually just a garden-variety Cultist with town abilities to fuck with me

but I donā€™t actually think so? and like ā€“ half the game has been softing Cult, and thatā€™s probably not coincidence

so uh

I think Cult might be the uninformed majority



youā€™re not wrong

but itā€™s slightly less of a Read Of The Type That Doesnā€™t Work On Alice, so

played civ 6
got mass denounced for declaring war on a city state

i donā€™t wanna play civ 6 anymore

marshal whatever you do donā€™t dayvig desperado me

Yeah, Iā€™m aware that people will SR me for making comments like not asking to be checked so as a wolf I just bluff while as town I openly state that I think itā€™s a downright terrible idea unless Iā€™m under suspicion or Iā€™m lowposting due to IRL. Like, with the way the thread is going Iā€™m probably going to be chatting with Jane soon.

is this a priest soft

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but katze

Alice only claims Priest as scum