SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

this is why i have a little more confidence in Alice than Aroot

the only logical combination of groupscum from our “power” players would be you/Aroot


It’s not like I’d let Arete “clear” me in such a terrible way anyway.

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i don’t remember my brain process when i wrote either of those two posts

i was probably thinking harder on the first one

fine with me, i don’t care if you believe me there?

not like im claiming an invest result, whether or not you trust my word there is irrelevant

gorta did visit Italy

the info bit is -EV to speculate on

Actually if you read deeper into his next messages, not only his frustration is genuine, I think you can easily guess what he is implying.
But I do not want to talk about claims.

Also in general, I think Gorta’s recent posting has been better. Not enough to elevate him into TL’s, but certainly good enough to remove him from immediate PoE.

Also I’m glad that someone else agrees on CRichard with me.

i think i left my vote on napoleon cause he told me to vote and i did a funny

idk imma just /unvote @Amelia


im still confused on this

but I kinda agree about this
so ill stay quiet i guess

not sure if we’re agreeing on the exact same points
i just think that what they are doing (giving reads without much evidence) is close to what they’ve been doing before, but weird nonetheless

Huh it looks like I have some things to explain, welp, here it goes

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot, Appelsiini 2/8 Appelsiini, katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Napoleon
Italy Napoleon 1/8 x


you can do stuff though(obviously)

unless you found somebody as suspicious, claiming is a bad thing

  1. Why did I say Gaja is scum while I was saying Alice could be a scorned?
    Well, I wasn’t exactly doing that or intending to do that. I was trying to bring the possibility of Scorned, rather than saying Alice is Scorned. It looked to me that you guys were forgetting/ignoring the possibility of scorned, so I wanted to make sure that it was a possibility. Do I think Alice is scorned? Ehhhh unlikely, but there might be a tiny bit of chance that Alice might be possibly Scorned, but I don’t want to say her results are fake either. Do I think Gaja is scum? Maybe, but I don’t want to reach conclusions too quick right now or else we could lose a lot of power with mislynches. Also I don’t want to side either player because if I side the “scum,” I’ll look scum myself when I know I’m not scum

alice r-

keep going

if you’ve got more

  1. How come I was pushing Ans as convert?
    I think this was purely me trying to reach a quick conclusion on the matter. For me, it appeared for me that Ans’s lack of activity day 2 was a sign that they were converted when in fact, Ans was most likely busy. He also seemed less aggressive or keen on what people said day 1 as opposed to day 2, but that could’ve just been him doing his normal FOL stuff. Now that I have time to think about it and the mechanical info we have right now, I would like to take back my statement about Ans being converted.

Yeah TBE is always Town here.
I don’t even believe he’s Neutral now.
He’s playing Pro Town.

nearly ready to say that about Intensify tbh

  1. About My Plan
    I had a plan, and at first it seemed like a great idea, until I reread through my abilities again and thought, “this is a very bad idea.” My plan would’ve supposedly confirmed me, but after a few minutes of thinking, I realized it would pose more risks than good if I were to do it, and it looked easily fake-able, so even if everything went right, it wouldn’t have done much for me.
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Hopefully this explains your questions about those “suspicious” responses from me.

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