SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Now here is what I want from you

I pinged you to ask you two questions earlier, start by answering those

Gorta hiding in scumchat?


I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to consider him as a ā€œnewb investigatorā€

had to quickly leave but i wanted votes around

I think thatā€™s like 4 votes on gorta doe

are we all just noobs to you

I just wanted some pressure to see how reacted

I donā€™t want em to come in and have us say ā€˜your at L-3 claim or dieā€™


They did pop up for a little bit and then went ā€œpoofā€!

their likely catching up rn

unless he actually sent a message, in which case quote it

He didnā€™t and he stopped typing O_O

probably doing one of those where you make a wallpost as you read

currently reading

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot 1/8 Appelsiini, katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Napoleon
Italy Arete, Appelsiini 2/8 Arete
an_gorta_pratai clonedcheese, ModeShifter, Napoleon 3/8 TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese
Alice katze 1/8 x
1 Like

Weā€™ll see when he gets here :))

Welcome back gorta

gorta quote me


we have a good amount of votes out

guess putting mine out rn wouldnā€™t do much unless I consider lynching a possiblity

different definition of PoE I guess
those are ā€œpotential scumā€
different than ā€œnullā€

if itā€™s ā€œnullā€
we add Italy/Derps

this was d1 wasnā€™t it
does kinda seem weird and pocket-y

would you like to explain this please

mine needs to be updated

i still have no clue why im in here

Do you think you donā€™t deserve a townread?

tempted to see how voting arete would work out

I donā€™t have a justification or a reason

looking into voting cheese

Still donā€™t have a justification or a reason

but I have a suspicion that the votes would yield different reactions

oh cheese is here

hi cheese

i mean
iā€™d appreciate one
if there was some sort of reasoning

am i like
consensus null
nobody has any evidence for/against me lmao

update time

ā€˜I guessā€™