SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

im obv town
mode idk
nap also seems fine

there’s definitely no busses in there I think
And gorta is my #1 scum so

I think a joke just went over your head.

That’s where you’re wrong bud. If either you or Italy are likely gonna flip today I’ll make sure your info comes out before it happens.

It might have, but I am serious that Seth might be the EK. My reason is that I have suspicions about Seth not using sf n1.

if we make gorta claim here is the only situation that gorta can get mind flayed

heck, we could all just claim our class types and we’d be fine, because that’s the only anti-claim mech

just took another look at the missionary’s classcard

they are not investigation immune which is good because we have so many

or death immune, for that matter

but there can be up to 4 of them. Wait that’s a lot like the cult why am I surprised

huh a two part strongman

One of these are a lot stronger then the other

this game is the best game ive been in as far as bussing goes

Gorta you’re in the hot seat, so it would be helpful if you’d out your N1 results before EoD. We’d rather you don’t get lynched to see your results yet you haven’t cooperated with us on posting results.

scum tag other scum

then nobody gets the limited use abils, while scum also get towncred

what if he’s a watcher? what if he’s a High Priestess or something that confirms but doesn’t completely do it

why do you want him to claim?

I thought there could only be 3 scum faction members?

I already said that Italy is either starting scum or village or neutral

He claims to have information on Italy from N1. That’s why I’m interested in his result as Italy is in my POE.

4 missionaries

at a time?

yes but then to do that gorta has to claim

and if its unnecessary, its unnecessary

He could be either of those classes. That depends on his N1 results on Italy.

then can be up 4 missionaries

only 1 missionary at a time

missionaries are the scum converters

so he doesn’t claim unless it specifically confirms/denies Italy and Italy is the lynch

My information doesn’t change anything about Italy belonging in the POE

Wait are we still sure the group scum faction is BD even though Alice admitted the red check was a reaction test? We’re still not sure if this is a BD/Unseen game yet.

  1. His N1 result will give him legitimacy. If he’s LHF, we can help verify his claim
  2. You talked about anti-claim? I’ve looked over some of the anticlaimers (like zealot and inquisitor and mind flayer) and I don’t think it will be easy to alleviate the danger of it. We already have some claims and other softs (I could probably guess what class a few of us are claiming here), and all the anticlaimers would already have their ways of already taking advantage of this situation or the fact that gorta claimed investigative

TL;DR - benefits outweigh the harms

That is good logic there Elixir.