SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

How much longer do we have in the day?

21 hours?

So I am good to go play some Vidya


and how about your views on me?

I find some of the reasons of suspicion on me valid but you donā€™t seem to be very concerned about it.

Iā€™m concerned about Areteā€™s claim that you have TMI
at the same time Iā€™m not perfectly confident in aroot
leading me to believe that you are most likely probably hopefully not scum

So you believe that my explanation makes sense?

at least thatā€™s where my suspicions lie
I donā€™t think you would bus gorta; as such, scum!gorta would probably mean town!you

are you assuming that Gorta is scum?

I again donā€™t entirely believe your claim
It is possible that you can produce that as scum

more the reason Iā€™d like to see what gorta flips

at this point, kinda?


given that you appear to be basing several of your reads on that assumption, why are you assuming that?

Iā€™m jealous of Anstreim.

I remember being consensus town in my first game (NFoL4) and now that behaviour doesnā€™t warrant a solid townread anymore ;-;

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Iā€™ve been hanging around before I go to sleep to see how the thread progresses without me overwhelming the discussion.
And so far, what Iā€™ve seen wasnā€™t quite impressive. Still waiting for Cloned to answer your question, Napoleon.

Also CRichard, keep in mind that you are in PoE as well. If it was my choice, Iā€™d always lynch you before I lynch Gorta.
Oh and Gorta doesnā€™t have to claim at this point. Itā€™s painfully obvious and we should really stop addressing it.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m being TRā€™d for being new. There are currently 2 people who view me as a potential deepwolf, and 1 more person who only clears me off of mechanics.

Imagine being consensus town.


Actually, that was Areteā€™s question.

I donā€™t care about the claim so much as the info he has. Iā€™m a bit worried though, given his attitude the information he would likely present wouldnā€™t be clearing.

the trick is to go to a site where people donā€™t know you, hyperpost, and make a couple of wallposts a day

or at least, thatā€™s worked pretty well for me so far :^)

Isnā€™t Alice known in like every site?

He has literally said numerous times that his information on Italy is basically nothing.

He said it was nothing incriminating nor clearing.