SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I don’t think he’d ask what the red was otherwise

I could see how TMI could interfere

but scum would just not, if they thought I was NE or something?

That’s true, all he knew is that it was a redcheck.

I’m not really that concerned about SDA disappearing afterward though, but I’m curious as to his thought process during the RT

/vote Italy

his leaving was probably just because he left the interrogation to us

during it i liked it doe

I don’t think his departure is that concerning tbh

I mean if SDAs plan was to allow CRich get lynched into something that was obviously a RT that was a shit plan.

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It’s NAI, I don’t see how it’s really scummy or townie

if you’re going to try and gauge somebody’s reaction to being voted you should probably be more subtle about it


his leaving is just letting the RT play out

Actually outing checks late is the optimal way of outing them. Outing them at the start of the day will just cause everyone to shut up and cruise.


vote Italy

your at 3/7 I believe

do something

That turned out to be a RT.

alice is right actually
confirmed wolves will often kill discussion one way or another

Also why is the go-to response to being accused here is to openclaim?

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Italy, who would you kill today?

because it’s fol

Though I do think TBE’s RT on me is from town.
I’ve been scum read by quite a few people already and TBE had some doubts about my slot.
So that would explain the RT on me.

you because i keep waking up to your constant pinging
just let me sleep damn it

We specifically told him not to open claim and he still did :fearful:

No can do