SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)


I have nothing to fear

crich got super defensive

Yet people read me as townier after the RT. Your point?

if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear

I wish I knew what this meant

yeah, and I tracked her to you

defend yourself

jk note twice in a day

This is so obvious itā€™s not even funny

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Reminder that you cannot vote the host

Please guys

It hurts my feelings

I assume you read up anyway

thoughts on my RT with CRich

/ITA Marshal

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I hardclaim marshal

/vote kape


it means youā€™ve done some slightly :eyes: things but overall youā€™ve been townie, and right now Iā€™m focusing on the second part


Well this is awkward. :flushed:

CRich looked genuine enough that I would say maybe town

Hmm alright. I think itā€™s best to leave it at that for today.

The fact I didnā€™t hide my visit to Napoleon N1 should be enough no?

i guess lying is just not a thing
who would ever lie in a social deduction game after all