SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

NK hunting is a lot harder and probably shouldn’t be our top priority yet anyway

even though the NKs in this setup are pretty strong

I also wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a convert amongst the leaders powerwolfing

After giving me your thoughts
If there ends up being a deepwolf, who do you think it would be

It’s not my top priority.
It’s a theory that is somewhat supported by our current PoE.


n1 convert is almost definitely in the general towncore

which is why its not me

Also Italy didn’t claim an Acolyte so he clearly can’t be NK :^)

I wonder if they converted Alice… I read her as neutral though

I know I wouldn’t have converted her

there’s also a nonzero chance that n1 convert missed

if jane died to NK that’s 4 guaranteed failed convert targets (nk/random neut/vessel/jane)

probably lol

You know, it could’ve been more if our King actually used his SF.
But I’m done fuming about it.

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Killer and converter could have visited same person

bd/unseen king dont have SF what do you mean

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arete might’ve been converted, though that hunting might not yet be justified. Arete because of their claim I don’t think is OG scoom

if there is a deepwolf, I could see it in the form of…maybe ans? I don’t actually know

probably want to think more on it

and if he did and just doesn’t want to out that?

Then I’m actually going to bow down to him post-game.

Also I don’t know if I should feel honored that people think I’m a possible deepwolf in my first game.

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We got about an hour and a half before lynch

and ill proably now have to be gone for an hour of that

my vote’s on SDA, want more then an Italian wagon

I’m probably staying on Gorta unless there’s something that actually convinces me to swap over to either Italy or SDA.

I don’t think they’re starting either

/vote Arete

yall are crazy clearing arete for their claim