SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I’m a bit skeptical of lynching any nonclaimer when they aren’t here because they could be Prince, but last time Italy spilled his true role after having little pressure applied to him so I don’t think he’s too likely to be Prince. Cloned, theoretically, could be Prince too but i don’t want a bunch of players claiming they aren’t Prince

also call me crazy but I’m a victim to gamblers fallacy
Though I suppose the same could be said for my class

im votng with my gayson partner

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Did you already forget that Alice is your gayson partner.

Less fluff and more substance. What are you proposing we do.

check who im voting with u dummy

My vote is still on Italy

That’s all I needed to know.
@an_gorta_pratai @ClonedCheese @SirDerpsAlot
I want you all to read everything above during the night and consider how you act tomorrow. If you don’t make yourselves obvious town, there’s still an ample chance that one of you gets hanged.


You know… you remind me of Vulgard


italy is a court wizard


hes not nearly as cute as vulgard

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I refuse to lynch Italy

should we lynch you first

I would prefer you not lynch me no

I don’t want to remind you of Vulgard. I hate what is going on with our PoE and threadstate in general.
You want my true opinion? I think this day was almost wasted. It didn’t help us with much, arguably it brought more harm to town than it brought benefit.

If the game continues like this, we are probably going to lose


Why are we being so narrow
If new mech info comes up tomorrow then we’re probably lynching outside of PoE yes?
that’s a really small PoE for a game in which I have 0 total townreads

Because you are all LHF and mech info can easily be faked.

That’s not why you reminded me of Vulgard

i mean yeah cult arent allowed to win on this site, silly ans

Napoleon, I don’t care why I remind you of whoever.
I said this during D1, I’m saying this again – I don’t like where this game is going. My own attempts to do anything have mostly failed, even if I reevaluated some slots today.
But I didn’t get any strong impressions, when I feel that I should have.

Can you stop memeing and do something for once.