SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

It’s possible, though it’s unlikely that wolf Appel to complain about Alice being a potential deep wolf while being a wolf herself, as that would give unwanted attention on her slot.

Well, I’m going to do what I said I would and finally vacate the thread to sleep.
Ping me if you have any questions for me. I will answer.

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Alright have a good night Ans or can I call you Cult Leader?

if Arete says that im not reaching enough conclusions, their right but expect the expected. I generally don’t like to make strong reads this early.

Mode is null because they don’t have enough

CRich is a townlean and going up. Its just incredibly similiar to other games from like the 5 posts they’ve made, and you can feel free to call me out on making a strong read early but its too obvious. Granted, they’ve never had a scum game.
This is also a meta read, shoot me.

Arete I don’t know, they seem inquisitive but also reaching conclusions but this slot could’ve faked that with relative ease

Ans the only thing I know from him is that he wanted stuff from me which is p towny but when the most interaction is with myself I find it harder to read them because of that

Appel seems towny, just by content per post this early. Don’t know how big their scumrange is but they doing good for now

Nappy is a null, I did read FoL 27 and I know they very well haven’t done anything unfakeable

cheese’s activity is NAI

SDA I remember liking some of their posts but since SDA has a high post count and they haven’t given alot of content despite post count(off of memory) id say scoomlean but meta says probably NAI.

Jane is null because skimming through their ISO(yep) I don’t see any new content besides voting me. Would be scumlean but its so early I cant pin that on anyone

Alice is a person. I think that her lack-luster opening could be her not posting something she was considering beforehand, but I could be looking too far into it and I don’t really think there is enough to base off of.

I think those are most the people who talked?

Mind you there is also the possibility of a world where village Appel calls out wolf Alice here. Though somehow I don’t think it’s likely that Appel/Alice are different alignments at this point. If they’re the same alignment which I think is the case, then this is T/T.

literally the only reads here are CRich and Appel

that’s all I have

there are some thought though

Napoleon is rather pushy this early. His push on Appel seems town motivated. Unless this is something wolf Napoleon is capable of doing he is a town lean right now.

Seth seems town based on my interaction with him. Reference ToS 2.

Alright so:

I never really felt that BlueElixir was scummy. The early game concerns are perfectly valid but I found his justification rather satisfactory.

I might be biased in this because I tend to like to discredit arguments against me being scummy or questions its significance, but Elixir just seems to… accept that the concerns are valid, though I don’t really know how to put this because he is sorta implying that it was smaller significance?

I asked this question because he could give two appropriate answers to this question. He could either say it’s “bad” for himself, or that it’s “bad” for Cult. But it’s not only the answer that is important here.

He doesn’t seem to fault the thread into necessarily raising these concerns, but he does indicate that he does have some value to the Cult. I don’t know how he would play as a defensive scum, but this isn’t feel like defensive scum to me.

There is also… something else that might prove useful in determining Elixir’s alignment that I think I should keep silent on about for now.

The one thing that keeps me from saying Napoleon is 100% town now is that I’m not sure if wolf Napoleon is able to imitate village Napoleon. Though I think a world with village Napoleon is a more likely scenario than wolf Napoleon world.

[quote=“Napoleon, post:449, topic:81818, full:true”]
Alright so:

I never really felt that BlueElixir was scummy. The early game concerns are perfectly valid but I found his justification rather satisfactory.

I might be biased in this because I tend to like to discredit arguments against me being scummy or questions its significance, but Elixir just seems to… accept that the concerns are valid, though I don’t really know how to put this because he is sorta implying that it was smaller significance?

I do want thoughts on this take though. I do think his method of response is important, but there might be disagreements on my interpretation.

Did you think I was Town in FoL27?

Also I have one question for Alice.

@Alice Regarding your early-game behavior, you seem to implied that the reason was to flush out some reactions. Was this planned? Or did you just flow into that behavior?

Yes I did put you as a town read Napoleon. Unless I’m remembering incorrectly.

I was wolf.

You started as BD and were converted.

You’re a town lean Napoleon. How you do read my slot?

Elixir what were you gonna say?

What answer do you expect I will give btw?