SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I was going for something specific.
But I won’t out all of my cards in one go.

I could have gotten Gorta killed instead

Btw @Italy did you by any chance occ me N1

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No, your guard target got strongmanned

Arete what did you think of me after we lynched Italy?

i indirectly got jane killed n1 because i softed so hard

jane likes neuts

neuts are bad

i did a good thing



Their kill bypassed protection

I bypassed your guard

@Hosts Sorry for saying the game was boring, btw.

I think the setup is really nicely designed and has some cool unique mechanics.

I was honestly so confused about how Jane managed to die and I basically spammed mods with endless questions. I’m sorry about that

Ah I have some suggestions ye

Also Appel, can I say that playing with you was actually a delight, even if it ended so early?

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inb4 you roll Mind Flayer

The tagging system can be abused and MF can be modified a little bit - their abilities are sorta redundant

i had a really good read on cheese

cheese - probably not bleed immune (#2433)


How much did you speak in your classcard btw.

15 posts but i also have a notepad

A log

A lot