SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

mechanical info that mode is scum



I have mechanical info that your full of shit
defend yourself

Itā€™s obvious. It isnā€™t serious at all.

ModeShifter, are you Seth?

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He is indeed Seth.


oh, i forgot to unrescind

im still alch

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Your reaction test is over.

Want to know how I know you are fake?

Claiming D1 Alch is a death sentence first of all.

And regardless of your class or alignment, you would be foolish to not rescind it eventually.

leave me alone, itā€™s fun to claim alch

/walking bomb katze

Didnā€™t even claim a sellsword this time, Iā€™m disappointed.

it was a very difficult choice but i donā€™t believe there will be any d1 pretenders and thus it is safe to nuke the lesser evil

/detonate boom bye neut

internet fucked again

Itā€™s fun to claim anything :))

fine, im the guardian

Do you believe I should give you towncred for claiming Alchemist?

not really, no

itā€™s not out of my wolf range

why do I feel like thereā€™s a 50 percent chance I get converted and outed by Crimson Light

wolves, this is me telling you that converting me is a bad idea

if youā€™re gonna townread me iā€™d rather it not be ā€œbecause katze claimed alchemistā€

what i did with the claim, and what i did before and after it, are what you should look at

not ā€œlol kat claim alch dat meen katze town katze katze katze katze katze katzeā€


Is it town-motivated?