SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Because scum Arete doesn’t have to make these assumptions if she wants to engage in theatrics with Alice.
Scum Arete can either go for the throat and try to control the thread, or keep regarding Alice with fake paranoia while agreeing with her reads, such as:

So to clarify:
I think scum Arete has a few much better options to either distance from Alice or buddy with her, and what they are doing right now is suboptimal if viewed through the lens of “Alice/Arete W/W”.

Also, I’m not even going to entertain the idea of scum Arete and town Alice here at all. It should be obvious why, but I can write it out for you if you want me to.

Disclaimer: those are just my own opinions, of course.

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This is technically correct, I guess.


Do you mind if I investigate you tonight?

I’m not ignoring you, I was just busy answering the other post.

My opinion on Italy is simple. Leave him alone on D1 but take note of his activity, then watch how he behaves on D2.
Imo town Italy makes himself obvious most of the time if he actually plays the game. He’s my top null for a reason.

I have a redcheck on him.

You are a walking redcheck.

not if i investigate him first :eye:

Wrong, I’m sitting right now.

They*. I mixed genders up because I was writing about Alice.

Oh yeah?

1v1 me

okay ill vig you tonight lol

I like this read. My metaread was actually kind of like what you brought up here.

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I’m so obv town that I will be protected

Good try katze

thats why im sentencing you today and igniting you tonight

Vig me katze-chan uguuu.

I want to purge myself just for typing that out tbf.

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Opinions on current threadstate?

So you don’t want me to investigate Italy?

you are 100% dying tonight for that message


Don’t forget katze the Vessel is hailing and executing you tonight