SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Oh hello Alice. Glad to see you’re back.

CRich kind of has me worried lately being that I find a lot of his thoughts to be a bit circular and his game overall feels way too performative.

I have detected that a neutral has recently entered the thread.

It’s time to eradicate them.

Also Katze just thinking I had a perspective slip and then dropping it looked meh.

Uh we’re neutrals out now? Lets see what neutrals we have before killing them first.

The slot list allows up to 2 neutrals excluding the Neutral Killer. Keep an eye on the neutral claim count. If that exceeds two, we should start sacrificing them.

Katze latched onto it pretty hard and when I called them out on it just stopped

Perspective slip?

i mean

you disappeared off the thread after you answered my questions

i haven’t forgotten but haven’t gotten to discussing your slot again yet

but since you’re here, would asking you to post a readlist before EoD be too much to ask of you?

Also how do you have meta on TBE when he’s never flipped W on this site?

Yes we are noots out

I accidentally said BD instead of Cult from habit.


On CRichard, there were a few posts that I didn’t really like, but from the recent ones this is what bothers me:

Especially that take on Italy. Not sure if this is simple indecisiveness or something else.


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I don’t think that’s a perspective slip because I have done that before

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the same way we read crichard off of meta

Italy has always been a problem with how he should be read. I think trying to read him D1 is a waste of time. It’s better to wait until D2 if he manages to survive N1.

I’m investigating him tonight

So why not just denounce him as a null in that case.
That whole “I can see him being town but also scum so he’s a scumlean for now” argument sounds… not good.

Like, we have no idea what are TBE and CRich’s wolf metas as we’ve never seen them flip W on this site. So assuming meta with them is extremely shortsighted.