SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Apparently Anstreims list says you town read me. Has this changed?

What about Jane/Arete.
They arenā€™t my strongest TLs but they are there nonetheless.

Do you*

I wanna join allies

My updated read list

  1. CRichard564 (pre-in) = Iā€™m Town, though I doubt everyone agrees here.
  2. katze = Town lean, posting analysis and made reads.
  3. TheBlueElixir = Null leaning slight town based on his meta from ToS 2.
  4. Anstreim = Town read based on his analysis of Appelā€™s interaction with Alice.
  5. Alice = Town lean. I read this as less towny than Appel, though her contrarian read on me makes me think she is town with Appel.
  6. Arete (pre-in) = Town read based on his posts and tone. Is known to be able to fake towniness as mafia.
  7. Intensify = Non poster so null read. Possible scum slanking.
  8. Italy = Null read as this is Italy after all. Wait until D2 if alive to read him.
  9. Napoleon = Town read because of his interaction with Katze and myself over Katzeā€™s alchemist claim.
  10. an_gorta_pratai = Scum lean as he hasnā€™t done much so far.
  11. ModeShifter = Scum as he hasnā€™t been doing much. He isnā€™t pushing anyone and is taking a back seat this game, which isnā€™t what town Seth does.
  12. Appelsiini = Town read based on her interaction with Alice. Probably same alignment as Alice. Same as Alice with a contrarian read on me.
  13. Jane = Town lean based on her posts so far analysing player slots.
  14. SirDerpsAlot = Scum as he has posted a lot, yet hasnā€™t helped the town analyse slots. Reads Italy as town, though Iā€™m not sold on this until I see proof this is true D2.
  15. Gaja1234 = Non poster so null read. Possible scum slanking.
  16. Clonedcheese = Town lean as he has been posting analysis which is different from his last scum game with me in ToS 2.

it has not

obviously iā€™d support myself being in it, even though i doubt many other people would because ā€œlol, its katzeā€

napoleon and anstreim would probably be the two names iā€™d suggest first

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I want to be in Allies chat because I want to discuss the things I sorta kept hidden today.

Keep in mind the list is organized in a way that the top line is TR, the bottom line is TLs.

But in cases where people post only TLā€™s, it will be in that cell regardless.
So this isnā€™t a 100% guarantee ā€œI TR this personā€, it is more of a ā€œI either TR, TL, or somewhat TL Xā€.

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ngl with how seth has been acting i donā€™t know how much top secret shitā„¢ļø you should really reveal to him


Anyway before I go to bed now, Iā€™ll be waiting to see who Seth links in allies chat so that my scum read on him is proven to be right or wrong.

Ironically, I wouldnā€™t be against you in the Allies chat.
If my scuffed soulreadā„¢ on you is right, I think you randed town this game.

Could you explain what this means? Iā€™m confused

i think most people donā€™t view me as a very productive player to put into allies chat is my point, whether or not im townread i am still katze

also no, i donā€™t allow anyone but chloe to have a soulread on me

i donā€™t townread either arete or alice

Iā€™m not really worried tbh. I donā€™t really care if heā€™s EK - my info isnā€™t really that top secret

Whatā€™s he gonna do about it?

Perhaps, but with the way you are handling yourself this game, I think it would make some sense.
But I digress. That is just my personal opinion.

Okay, so Iā€™ll just talk to Arete in wolfchat and use that to plan a way of signaling to our EK.


i think this is a bit of a scumslip

town donā€™t have a wolf chat!!!

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Who you planning on allying?

Honestly I still think itā€™s uncanny for CRich to keep TRā€™ing me without bothering to question my behavior this match.