SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

FoL games are much shorter

Iā€™ve got some bad news for you.

So who is the Kang? I feel like I should know this but Iā€™m like blind af

Modeshifter is our Archdeacon(king)

k thx

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in general killpower is less ā€œtimegatedā€ in ToL, since itā€™s possible to make reads earlier

like, in ToL, youā€™re probably not going to know the Kingā€™s alignment on D2, here it can sometimes be obvious that early

we also have fewer players who will soft-gamethrow with KP so we donā€™t need as many restrictions on it :upside_down_face:

I donā€™t think thatā€™s really the case.

If anything I think heā€™s not trying to be efficient with his Allies, putting in people he know wonā€™t be very productive.

I donā€™t expect him to change his Allies though even if he does come online.

someone ping Margaret

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I feel called out

Not that I have day abilities or anything, but how does one use their day ability :wink:

How often do you hit scum?

Just asking, reallyā€¦

You use abilities by typing /[Ability Name] (Target(s) if any) in your classcard.

in the top right click on your pfp and find where you were invited to a secret chat

that should be where it says what class you are

you submit you day actions there

Message the hosts in your class card saying what day ability you would like to use and who you want to use it on

also bold it and put a slash before it

**/abilityname playername**

Well, we are 50 minutes away from EoD so I suppose Iā€™ll post my own extended readlist.
Warning: walls below summaries.

  • Jane ā€“ I like most of his posts and the fact that he takes time to actually push discussion and form independent, coherent thoughts. Like his questioning of Appel SLing CRichard right off the bat, then wondering about threadstate ā€“ that looked good. Just like disagreeing with me/Napoleon about the threadstate and bringing his opinion to us, instead of ignoring our discussion or sheeping it.

  • Napoleon ā€“ Iā€™m wary with TRing this slot since I know that he makes a powerful wolf, but like Jane he has been active. While activity itself is NAI, his methodical attempts to interact with almost everyone and infer things from such interactions is a good look. If I had to describe it, his questions arenā€™t ā€˜shallowā€™ or ā€˜emptyā€™ ā€“ they feel purposeful. TL, although I would like to see more of his conclusions.

  • Kat ā€“ Scuffed soulreadā„¢. Memes aside, kat regarding everyone with a healthy dose of suspicion, posting a non-meme readlist on D1 and actually contributing is a new look for him. A look that I like, so far.
    As I mentioned previously, I think that his Alchemist claim RT served a purpose and if Iā€™m correct about it, it does not make a lot of sense from scum Katā€™s PoV. He can stay in my top 3 for now.

  • Appel ā€“ Mostly explained this within the thread already. She seems genuine enough and had some posts that I liked, though she also had posts that I disliked more. Reluctant TL, because as a macro read those posts arenā€™t enough to make me SR her yet.
    (For the reference, Iā€™m talking about her posts where she was TRing Cloned when he barely had any presence within the thread.)
    Side note: I ask others to not underestimate her slot. She may be a newer player, but like she has proven in last Short Fuse, sheā€™s capable of being a convincing/reasonable looking wolf.

  • Arete ā€“ TL, because I like their thoughts on Alice and just as I said ā€“ I donā€™t really see such thoughts coming from scum, when there are far more effective alternative ways to handle theatrics. I also liked their skepticism about me and my questioning of TBE, but I want more from them. Oh and that RT actually felt genuine.
    Nonetheless, thereā€™s still slight weirdness with Katā€™s slot, which I think isnā€™t really scum AI.

  • CRichard ā€“ Among my lower TLs right now because there were a few really meh posts from him, namely the one about Italy. Perhaps it was just indecisiveness, but otherwise heā€™s more or less fine.
    Questioning Aliceā€™s/Appelā€™s interactions out of his own volition and trying to get other people to discuss them earns him some town points.

  • Italy ā€“ Like I said, forever my highest null. Leave this alone for today and let him show his true colors during D2. Although I do want to note that he has been quite lively in the thread, which I like.

  • Cloned ā€“ I dislike the fact that a lot of people are TLing him right off the bat, but I suppose that could be my own caution. Letā€™s just say that as long as he posts more, I feel like I wonā€™t have many issues with solving his slot.

  • Alice ā€“ Some of you might notice that I dropped her down from my TLs. Basically, the reason for it is her recent actions. Iā€™m still trying to gauge her motivation to do what she is doing now, or perhaps waiting for the big reveal. The whole treatment of SDAā€™s slot and her focus on him is strange to me, but that does not negate the fact that I liked her initial posts.

  • SDA ā€“ Chaotic and competent as a wolf, this is the slot that Iā€™m really wary of. I have a feeling that we will have to read him purely from his thread presence, and knowing that he memes quite a bit this will be a quite difficult task. The only thing that I liked from him was his reaction to Aliceā€™s declaration that she is going to sheep his read on Italy, but itā€™s still NAI.

  • Gorta ā€“ Weak presence in the thread, and said presence is lookingā€¦ not good. You can ISO him yourself and see the point where I questioned him about raising that tinfoil about Alice being scum. I didnā€™t like his answer to it one bit, and that is why he is currently in my SLā€™s.

  • Seth ā€“ Low activity and strange posts make me suspicious of this slot. I wouldnā€™t go as far as to call for poison on him (even though, but I think he should be regarded with caution. I also feel the need to mention that his latest posts are atrocious, but itā€™s obvious to most.
    Besides, we should keep in mind that lynching a King ā€“ even if he is scum King ā€“ is not our priority. Our first priority is always getting the scum faction out.

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  • TBE ā€“ Iā€™ve mostly explained this before, but his initial strained tone and his mindset seemed off to me.
    I also know that he typically isnā€™t one of the more quiet players, so I expected more content from him. Also, there was a point where me and Arete were discussing his slot, but instead of engaging with us, he basically said something along the lines of ā€œI see my slot is being discussed but itā€™s not being pushed, so Iā€™ll just sit here awkwardlyā€. Letā€™s just say that I want him to talk to us more during D2.
    Besides, I actually like his most recent wall. So long as he actually continues to contribute, I feel like we will be able to determine his alignment fairly easily. I will go over his posts again during the night and see what else I can infer from him.

And nullposters are nullposters but I see that Intensify is actually in the thread right now. Suppose Iā€™ll start looking into their slot.


wallposts = locktown

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What is TR, TL, SL and SR mean? I do not know these big brain words





Why did you wink?