SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Emojis aren’t scum-AI.
The only indicative things are your behavior, votes and posts.

Goodbye Modshifter


Hello new archdeacon I guess?

It’s not your emoji use to tell you the truth that’s sorta bugging me but please answer the question

Oh, Gaja is on

I don’t know what to say at these points

I wont fight it, its not against me

I wont agree with it, its an interpretation

So im just kinda there

What emotion were you trying to convey by using :wink:

I have… no idea actually, not sure where I was going with that wink tbh

You were like “not that I do have any day abilities but”

And then proceed to wink later on.

Napoleon, where are you even going with this?

I’d say just drop it.


what do you think is the good outcome to this

you either get him to claim whether or not he has a day abil

which is bad

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Not often

So you are just kinda unsure how you would approach such discussion and that’s why you aren’t bothering with it, then?
I think voicing your disagreement during that time would’ve helped us and pulled you into a discussion where we could generate content. Just, explaining your thought process always helps.

Don’t ask me, fake French man. I seldom use emojis, and when I do it’s :^) to signify obvious sarcasm.

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That much is already clear if he is Cult

I think you understand why the :wink: popped out to me

Let’s just say… I have a 50% chance of having a day ability…

I’ll leave you alone you answered my question

I don’t want to talk about it.

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Looking forward to D2 when I can actually vote people

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