SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Good productivity!

good luck everyone

sleep well

try not to die

Also lack of d1 neutral claims is very odd to me

I like TBE and Alice

1-2 neutrals and most of them have the sellsword’s wincon

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These two literally haven’t interacted and TBE doesn’t like Alice


They both had 80 posts at one point and I feel like there’s something there telling me “Yes, these are my royal guards!”

As the sun sets upon the castle of Adiart, the congregation begins to break up. Day 1 has ended, and Night 1 has begun. It will end at 2020-05-21T19:31:00Z. The deadline for submitting actions is an hour before EoN.




As the sun sets and the congregation breaks up, Amelia and Marshal meet up in the now dark courtroom.

“I heard the public executions are starting tomorrow.” Amelia says, worriedly. “Please, stay safe. We must return to our home before long.”

“That’s all fine and well but…”

“But what?”

“I found a cat!” Marshal says, as he unveils the cloth in his hands. “We should keep him. Let’s name him… Teemo!”

“May he keep our spirits up in these troubled times.” Amelia says.

They part ways and head to their quarters soon after.



Still missing some night actions.


The Deadline for submitting night actions has been reached and they will now be processed.


Amelia and Marshal meet up just before the court proceedings.

“Is Teemo okay?” Amelia asks.

“He’s fine. I’ve left him in my quarters.” Marshal responds. “Come on, we have to arrive in time for court proceedings.”


Upon arrival, the duo see a congregation around one area. After a bit of questioning, they find out that somebody has been murdered in the night! He was a high ranking Cult member, one who had mind control powers and was rarely sober. The rest of the court chants maniacally about how they will bring him to justice!

Jane was killed during the night! He was…

The Puppeteer

Cult Offensive
Unparalleled Devotion (Passive) - Votes for you to become the next archdeacon are doubled. Keep this passive on class change.
Control Freak (Passive) - You are immune to Occupation and Redirection at night.
Mind Control (Day) - If your first target uses a day ability, they will be forced to target the second target. 1 use
Strings of Mithras (Night) - Redirect your first target to your second target tonight. 3 uses
Overload (Night) - Remove any immunities your target may have tonight, then occupy them. 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.

We found logs next to his body.


GTH Italy is town.
I have a weird katze NK read that I’m not super confident in but I have it.

N1 - Redirect an_gorta_pratai to Italy

If Italy flips this could mean thing and stuff.

Can you tell these were rushed?

Day 2 has begun, and will end at 2020-05-23T19:35:00Z. With 15 players alive, majority is 8.

I am starting my own town Core!

You may now speak. If you received no feedback you slept peacefully.

It will be Me, TBE, Alice, Cloned and 1. Anstreim.
No one else.

that … sure is a nightkill

also we’re missing a kill

Maybe you forgot to attack last nighr
