SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I think the kill was probably done for the Mentalist claim.

Blue/Gorta/Italy were pretty consensus-y reads.

NAI Host Ping part 2


he said he wanted a more solid read on us


apparently it worked. I donā€™t want allies again

Sup I have work in like 15 but uh hi

Yeah, I donā€™t think TBE has the perspective of groupscum from his answers and questions in allies chat.

the Mentalist claim was, like, blatantly fake, though

which ā€¦ would point to not-super-competent wolves, I guess?

I wouldnā€™t count on it. I do want to analyze him and his interactions with SLā€™s, but I wouldnā€™t say that this goes as far as to implicate these 3.

Possibly. I think ā€œhe was TRā€™dā€ is the most likely explanation.

because i asked a question i didnā€™t realize the drawbacks of until after


also i wasnā€™t converted or killed so im a little happier with Alice

Who claimed mentalist?

the thing is, lots of other people were TRā€™d and presumably thereā€™s some reason they chose Jane over you or katze or Nappy or me or whoever?

He was still a good kill as I donā€™t think he was MLā€™able, so eh.

Ideally in my place Iā€™d probably just be Prince hunting.

Can you elaborate further on this.
Unless the two of you discussed something especially secretā„¢.

Also Modeā€™s probably town here, so I wouldnā€™t poison him.

What does towncore mean again?

We also donā€™t know which scum did the kill so theirs not much use arguing about what it means with competent/incomp wolves


I think Jane was one of those slots who the scum thought wouldnā€™t really be protected?
A lot of people seem to have me and Napoleon as their strongest TLā€™s, maybe scum thought we would be protected.
Jane, while TLā€™d by a sizeable amount of people, was pretty much memeing and a bit ā€˜on the sideā€™ if that explanation makes sense.
And Iā€™m not really sure if we can really view his reads as the reason he was killed because, well, they are almost consensus.

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So whenā€™s massclaim happening btw


D2 massclaim is inevitable

Also Alice, omitting your possible redcheck, are you willing to talk about things that happened in Allies chat?
Because we got a taste of TBEs perspective on it, but not yours.

Itā€™s not happening. Period.