SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

You know I considered it but nah

Derps what are your reasons if any to vote Napoleon? Iā€™d like to hear them from you personally.

Refer to above

Uh okay

Your welcome :smiley:

this is the sort of thing that makes it really hard to read you

I know but

Itā€™s fun

It might be fun for you Derps. Though Iā€™m not sure itā€™s helping the town I mean cult deduce things.

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I never said ā€œthank youā€ :frowning:

In all seriousness, I canā€™t defend or explain myself if I donā€™t know why Iā€™m being voted. Iā€™m assuming there is a reason because you implied there was. :man_shrugging:

Their is Probabaly a reason but I donā€™t feel like saying what it is :man_shrugging:t2:

Hmm I was thinkingā€¦

Can you tag yourself?


Itā€™s in the OP

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I forgot tagging existed

Arete, what do you think about the current gamestate?

I still donā€™t really know how it works

it kind of sucks because no one is talking

inconveniently this means I have fewer things to talk about it so itā€™s not straightforwardly solvable :upside_down_face:

Iā€™m optimistic that Alice/Appel are going to have some sort of useful information that will at least give us something to go on (because based on the current gamestate weā€™re definitely not solving this based on reads alone)

Would you have still voted me if you remembered about tagging?

If someone is lynched today, the first two voters if theyā€™re cult lose an ability charge if the flip is cult.
If the flip is scum, they instead gain a charge on their limited charge abilities.
If the first two voters are scum, nothing happens to them.

I still donā€™t know how it works so Probabaly

Nappyā€™s play right now is a good look for him, the gamestate at the moment (no one doing anything) favors scum and heā€™s literally the only one trying to actively disrupt that