SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

alice you absolute genius

Let us wait then

Better safe than sorry

If you have good mech info i want to hear it when itā€™s 100% confirmed

ā€¦this works too

Like, I donā€™t think we should bother lynching them and just leaving them to the Prince considering that I donā€™t think theyā€™ve been framed.

So Alice is claiming fanatic and that Gaja is Susp pretty much?

Ok so Gaja is scum then?
Alright then should I tag him then?


You were redchecked. Make your case!

Also Iā€™m more settled on Inensify being V here as this doesnā€™t look W/W.

Nah, leave them to the Prince.


Iā€™m a Damsel and used Gaja as my N0 (because they hadnā€™t posted yet) and matched them against Anstreim (because he was my strongest TR and I wanted easy to interpret results)

and it was a match

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Is it BD or Unseen game?

Wait if Ans matches Gaja and Gaja is scum, then what is Ans?

Yes Gaja, make your case buddy : )

Alice make your case too



I checked them as they didnā€™t seem to be making any AI-ish posts and I wanted to clear them if possible as they looked to be an easy ML if Cult.

Them being compat with Anstreim isā€¦ yeah.

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Arete I think Iā€™ve learned how to read you


Well itā€™s a greencheck versus a redcheck

Arete specifically came out to counter your result so Iā€™m more inclined to believe them