SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

prevention only shows on investigative abilities

not specifically

but anywhere to look

I donā€™t soft needlessly.

if I completely ignore mechanics and just look at my reads I trust Ans > Alice > Gaja

but I donā€™t think scum!Alice goes for the D2 suicide play?

maybe Ans is a neut??? or maybe Iā€™m just really bad

Alice didnā€™t want Gaja lynched but executed.

They are either Cult or scum or scumneut

worth asking either way


tag gaja

Oh ok

Anyway here it comes /vote Gaja1234

oh wait nvm

not if its getting executed

The Prince should handle them as theyā€™ll just be replaced at the EoD.

Arete which one did you use

nobody vote gaja
only towncore should be tagging
be patient

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon SirDerpsalot 1/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 CRichard564 1/8 CRichard564

Gaja is not confirmed scum

then why are you trying to throw them to the fucking vessel
if they flip town itā€™s so much worse if itā€™s to a vessel axe

I never said I wanted them executed

i am confused how should prove am inno should i use Frozen Blood (Night) - Prevent anyone besides yourself from visiting a player tonight. 1 use

I used Comparison

Soul Links is only useful if you know peopleā€™s class types and no one had really claimed yet

Gaja was a nullscum for most during D1, can we agree on that?