SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

We’re only lynching you at the EoD, so there is still plenty of time.

Ok actually nevermind, I had a plan, but then now that I think about it, it’s probably better if we lynch Gaja

what reasons? do you think Alice’s check is fake?

explain whaqt the though was going to be

No, I think Alice is right, I was thinking my plan might have confirmed me if done correctly, but I think it’s too risky.

Besides I’ve already tagged myself. So this gives me extra ability charges with a Gaja flip as scum.


Arete matched Gaja and Ans and found them compatible

Alice is Fanatic claim and found Gaja as BD

Gaja claims Ritualist

I feel like if Alice is scum and faking a check there are so many more +EV fake checks, like, W!Alice doesn’t need to fake a check here to get Gaja lynched probably, and if she wants to fake a check to force a mislynch she could do it on someone who’s viewed as a stronger player to remove a greater threat

but that means Ans is scum???

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Ok the more and more I think about this plan I had, the more I realize how easy it would have been to fake it. When the time comes and I have to claim, I will explain my plan and why I thought it would have worked out better.

imagine the guy with cult leader as his title didn’t rand cult in the cult majority game


Gaja flips scum, then Ans is either a neutral or scum at this point. Unless Arete has incorrect results which I doubt at this stage with Napoleon claiming there was no frame on Gaja.

windows error sfx

there’s also the world where ans is a neut

There couldn’t have been; there always has to be a liar/scum in there somewhere

ans could be mass compatible neut or neut that sides with gaja

I want gaja’s night action

it doesn’t help me at all

but could help determine slot

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If Ans say might be a neutral that wins with Gaja, should Ans claim first?

this is purely tol mechanics because i’m not 100% sure how matchmake works because i’m an idiot
but survivor neuts are mass compatible
frames make people appear to be factional killer
there’s lots of possibilities here

neuts are compatible with anyone they can win with in this FoL, it’s a lot simpler

P sure there are no survivors this match.

It’s a mixture of Guardian/Missionary/Outrigder/Grimoire.