SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I’m ok with your decision on this, but remember, Gaja has tendency to act really clueless sometimes to hide his evil roles/classes.

So basically Ans/Gaja should both be clear of being starting wolves.


Also Arete’s confusion looks fairly real, so I’m adding him to the list of players I can safely say are V.


That’s unfortunate. I’m tagged today.

V stands for verified right?

I guess I can’t say you didn’t warn us


Yep. Everything mech I’ve talked about until now was an over-elaborate RT.

alice has contracted fancy play syndrome
they’re just marshal 2.0 now

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V = Village. Village is another term that is used to refer to uninformed majority.

V = village = town

in this case the Cult


I want you to say nothing

oh well now


try to use Eldritch tonight on someone you think is town

i dunno just don’t do nothing for 2 nights in a row

Aliec I don’t want your claim - but was it all from SoD a RT, or just the Gaja bit

Why couldn’t you wait till after I existed to retract it how am I supposed to get TR now smh

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in regards to your class or what you will do exactly

Everything from the SoD.


I have a very specific question. Please answer only yes or no.

Did you see Jane’s visitors last night?

Also I retract my check on nappy I was trying to get people to talk about something but Alice did it better lmao

why does this tick me off

ok then
tinfoil vanquished

they said leave it to prince
iirc scorned = exe
and getting the prince to kill their target would lose them the game

This kinda continues on their “I don’t want to look scummy” post from yesterday

This is your one and only warning
please do not use activity as evidence

V stands for villager
so cult in this game

Anyway Appel is hinting that she has information. Hopefully something good.