SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot 1/8 x

In case anyone thinks Iā€™m going to go with the ā€œIā€™ve never been starting wolf defenceā€. No I canā€™t be a killer because I didnā€™t visit Alice. So therefore I canā€™t be a killer class.


Alice isnā€™t dead

Meh, Iā€™m going to re-eval my TLs. I admit that I lowered the bar for villageryness way too much this match.

Still quite sure of you/Nap/Derps and your checks.

and also you could be lying about who you visited

Is katze still not here?

Doh I mean Jane.

Itā€™s annoying when you think youā€™ve typed it up and yet it comes out wrong after you send it. Too late.

if your visit isnā€™t confirmed

then none of this is confirmed

and you just outted info that was uneccessary

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I meant to say I didnā€™t visit Jane. My brain is going off track.

Do you make anything of the fact that no one except Appel admitted to visiting Jane? Like, presumably someone killed Jane, so (given the assumption that Appel is V, which you seem to hold pretty strongly) that points to the scum killer being someone who was willing to risk a thunderdome in that regard.

Thatā€™s possible, yet no one has outed my visit as fake.


Should I suspect you because of your inactivity?

Or their visits are hidden not sure if theirs a killer whoā€™s ninja havenā€™t read cards

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your visit is fake

boxed in


but your visit not being denied or confirmed is still not confirmed

Is poss a thing


no normal nks but mind flayer

I canā€™t argue against your logic Elixir. Only I know if Iā€™m telling the truth, no one else does at this point.

Lemme go skim NKs

ima answer this question:



Stahp using activity for evidence :angry: