SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

why do you think i want you to explain :^)

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@Appelsini can we talk please?

You arenā€™t alone champ

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well i guess we idiots can go cry in a corner

At least if nobody has an idea of what both Katze and I are thinking then the wolves probably donā€™t as well.

if anyone actually redirected me, please let me know who to, by the way

i used a nightvig ability last night and my target is currently still alive

i mean

idk about katze but i think i trust you
so ill shut up for now

actually, scratch that

donā€™t out yourselves

but alice is either death immune or i was occupied/redirected to jane

Weā€™re masons.

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oh this could not have been timed better

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confused cheese noises

Still there is one thing I donā€™t think Katze is lying about and that is she poisoned Seth, yet he is still alive.

He just claimed he had a nightvig

Somehow I think Katze is townā€¦ somehow.

I think I see whatā€™s going on here

ima shut up now

Seth was a consensus scum read by the town D1. Yet he is still alive and if Katze is telling the truth, someone did heal him. Yet no one has come forward to claim this for obvious reasons.

confused Arete noises

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I come in here to do a reaction test that Iā€™ve prepared for hours and then my response is a reaction test of their own


can I just ignore all of katzeā€™s mech info and assume literally all of it is FPS

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also katze could have been jailed with Nappy redirecting kat to anywhere, you donā€™t get feedback for hitting jail